Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Training Titbits!

Hey everyone! Well... I made it back in one piece, though barely, and thought I would try get ahead of the game this week! Jen C almost took me out with that elbow of hers and I narrowly avoided breaking Blairs nose with a poorly aimed missile (frisbee). The exams and general calamities meant there were far fewer people this week, but the faithful few turned out to hone their skills. After practicing our ABC's we did some breaking, some stepping and beefed up our FOCUS - and guess what? Focus is something you can practice anywhere... walking between classes? Pick a sign... and stare at it/through it, observing it, but not focusing on anything about it, not the words, not the shape, nothing... just be aware, just observe. This is also known in Yoga as the warriors gaze - and once perfected, with it comes awareness without diversions, a valuable skill in any activity, and especially in frisbee!! Stay tuned for more activities to perfect your warriors gaze. Anyone who didnt show (and for that matter, those who did) - dont forget to practice your throws, focusing on your personal assignments from Piers, the more you throw, the better you will get!! Speaking of Piers, just want to send a big hug and a thankyou for coming and being awesome despite the ridiculous amount of work he had to do today!!

Love from the Reckless Playhouse (just up the hill from the BUB mansion and far more fun!!)

p.s. I promise to try and be more witty and delightful in future!

Bec throwing her much forsaken forehand and improving significantly over the session!
Stephanie.... I mean Courtney's (!!) great hucking vision - keep thrwing those Court!

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